Scott House Hotel Rome
Demetra Hotel Rome

Guided tours Rome catacombs

Guided tours Rome catacombs, smell of history

Guided tours in Rome. The Catacombs and the historical area are locations that you can visit thanks to our special guided tours daily available at Scott House.

The Catacombs guided tour, with a really professional and multilingual staff that will guide you along a journey three hours long.

We will go beyond the walls of Rome, discovering the ancient Jewish and Christian underground cemeteries located in Via Appia. These areas were excavated between the 200s and the 900s AD. Here you will find the tombs of S. Sebastian, S. Callisto and Cecilia Metella.

When the religious community became larger, centuries ago, it seemed necessary to identify a place to bury their dead. They started digging in the tuff, making what today we can only describe as an important artistic complex, a voice from the past of Rome.

It was abandoned during the middle ages and then rediscovered in the sixteenth century.

This trip will lead us towards the southern districts of the capital, a great occasion to enjoy the Roman countryside and the masterful structure of the old aqueducts.

We will reach the location of the Catacombs by bus.

There are 3 planned stops, perfect to take nice strolls and a closer look to some particular details of the buildings.